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Geoffrey P Miller

New York University
  • Business Law, Ancient Law
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Business Law
Ancient Law
Professional Experience
New York University
Columbia Law School
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Princeton University
Honors: magna cum laude
Princeton University Logo
Paul M. Bator Award for Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship and Public Service
Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies
Professional Associations
United States Supreme Court Bar
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United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Bar
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United States District Court for the District of Columbia Bar
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District of Columbia Bar
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American Bar Association
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American Law Institute
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Editorial Board, Supreme Court Economic Review
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Editorial Board, The Independent Review
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Editorial Board, The Independent Review Economic Law
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Advisory Board, LSN Comparative Law Abstracts
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International Academic Council, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
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Advisory Board, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Asian Institute of International Financial Law
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Activities: Board of Advisors, Asian Institute of International Financial Law
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Activities: Section on Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services, American Association of Law Schools
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Activities: Editorial Advisory Board, The Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Policy
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Activities: Board of Advisors, The Independent Review
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Section on Business Associations, American Association of Law Schools
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Activities: Editorial Advisory Board, Supreme Court Economic Review
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Activities: Section on Business Associations, American Association of Law Schools
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Foreign Advisory Committee, Latin American Law and Economics Association
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Activities: Board of Directors, American Law and Economics Association
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Foreign Advisory Board, Universitad Tocurato Di Tella School of Law, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Board of Directors, American Law and Economics Association
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Activities: Board of Contributors, American Bar Association Preview of Supreme Court Cases
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Activities: Administrative Conference of the United States
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Activities: Administrative Conference of the United States
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Speaking Engagements
Legal Aspects of the International Activities of Central Banks, Lima Peru
central bank of Peru
Brought together leaders in the legal and economic issues facing central banks in the management of their external reserves.
Central Banks in Latin America, Bogota, Colombia
central bank of Colombia with technical assistance from the Legal Affairs Department of the International Monetary Fund
brought together leaders of Latin American central banks, the international financial community, and scholars from a variety of disciplines, to discuss issues related to the independence of central banks and economic development.
Central Banks in Asia, Shanghai, China
KPMG-Peat Marwick
brought together leaders from commercial banks, investment banks, and industrial firms, as well as central bankers, to discuss Asian central banks to address issues such as the proposed law granting a degree of independence to the central bank of China.
Ancient Law, Berkeley, California
Professors James Lindgren of Chicago-Kent Law School and Laurent Mayali of the University of California at Berkeley Law School
brought together important figures from a variety of disciplines interested in Ancient Law. The proceedings are being published as two special issues of the Chicago-Kent Law Review, and as a book published by the Robbins Collection, Berkeley, California.
Central Banks in Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States, Chicago, Illinois
This conference brought together the Prime Minister of Estonia, three present or former Ministers of Finance of Eastern European states (including Boris Fyoderov, former Finance Minister of the Russian Republic), the heads of the central banks of eleven nations in Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States, together with a wide variety of highly-placed officials from these countries and from the west, to discuss issues related to the independence of central banks and economic development.
Bank Mergers and Acquisitions, New York, New York
NYU Stern School of Business Salomon Center in association with the New York University Law School's Center for the Study of Central Banks
brought together leading academics, lawyers, and investment bankers to discuss some of the broader implications of bank mergers and acquisitions. Co-organizer of this conference was Professor Yakov Amihud of the Stern School's Finance Department.
Governance of Institutional Investors, New York, New York
NYU Stern School of Business Salomon Center in association with the New York University Law School Center for the Study of Central Banks
brought together top executives, attorneys, scholars and others interested in the management and organization, both economic and legal, of the nation's large institutional investors, including its mutual fund industry.
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New York, NY 10012
Telephone: (212) 998-6329
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