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Larry E Ribstein
New York University
- Business Law
- Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictional Competition
Professional Experience
- Professor
- New York University
- Current
- The University of Chicago Law School
- J.D.
- Johns Hopkins University
- B.A.
- Top 10 Corporate and Securities Articles published (for Are Partners Fiduciaries?).
- 2004 Carroll P. Hurd Excellence in Faculty Scholarship Award (for From Efficiency to Politics in Contractual Choice of Law).
- Recipient of 1990-91 George Mason University Distinguished Faculty Award
- George Mason University
Professional Associations
- Member, Section on Business Law
- Current
- Activities: American Bar Association
- Member, Committee on Partnerships and Unincorporated Business Organizations
- Current
- Activities: American Bar Association
- Member,A d Hoc Subcommittees on Revised Uniform Partnership Act and Limited Liability Companies
- Current
- Activities: American Bar Association
- Member,W orking Groups on Prototype LLC Act and Prototype Registered Limited Liability Partnership Statute
- Current
- Activities: American Bar Association
- Official Advisor
- Current
- Activities: Drafting Committee to Revise the Uniform Partnership Act, National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
Speaking Engagements
- Market for Law and Adjudication
- George Mason LEC Institute for Judges
- Economics of Contract Law
- Ethical Rules, Agency Costs and Law Firm at the Law and Economics of Lawyering
- A Recipe for Cookies, State Regulation of Consumer Marketing Information at the American Enterprise Institute Roundtable Series
- Series on Competitive Federalism
- A Standard Form Approach to Same Sex Marriage
- Catholic University
- Conference on The Implications of Lawrence and Goodridge for Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages and for the Validity of DOMA
- Accountability and Responsibility in Corporate Governance and Initial Reflections on the Law and Economics of Blogging, Canandian Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting
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