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Larry E Ribstein

New York University
  • Business Law, Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictional Competition
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Business Law
Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictional Competition
Professional Experience
New York University
The University of Chicago Law School
The University of Chicago Law School Logo
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University Logo
Top 10 Corporate and Securities Articles published (for Are Partners Fiduciaries?).
2004 Carroll P. Hurd Excellence in Faculty Scholarship Award (for From Efficiency to Politics in Contractual Choice of Law).
Recipient of 1990-91 George Mason University Distinguished Faculty Award
George Mason University
Professional Associations
Member, Section on Business Law
Activities: American Bar Association
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Member, Committee on Partnerships and Unincorporated Business Organizations
Activities: American Bar Association
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Member,A d Hoc Subcommittees on Revised Uniform Partnership Act and Limited Liability Companies
Activities: American Bar Association
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Member,W orking Groups on Prototype LLC Act and Prototype Registered Limited Liability Partnership Statute
Activities: American Bar Association
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Official Advisor
Activities: Drafting Committee to Revise the Uniform Partnership Act, National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
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Activities: LLC-NET Internet Listserve
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Activities: Partnerships Corporate Law: Partnerships & Unincorporated Business Entities Abstracts, Social Science Research Network.
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University of Illinois
Principal organizer, Conference on Uncorporation
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- Current
Activities: Illinois Business Law and Policy Program
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- Current
Activities: Federal Trade Commission
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- Current
Activities: Institute of Illinois Business Law (formerly Illinois Secretary of State's Business Laws Advisory Committee)
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- Current
Activities: Law and Economics Center Economics Institute for Law Professors
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- Current
Activities: Law and Economics Center Law Institute for Economists
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Admissions Committee, University of Illinois
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University of Illinois
Chair, Appointments Committee
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University of Illinois
Member, Ariel Yehezkel s JSD dissertation committee
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University of Illinois Faculty Senate
Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee
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University of Illinois
Chair, Disciplinary Committee
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University of Illinois
Member, Ad Hoc Career Services and Self-Study Committees
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Activities: Supreme Court Economic Review, University of Chicago Press
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Speaking Engagements
Market for Law and Adjudication
George Mason LEC Institute for Judges
Economics of Contract Law
Ethical Rules, Agency Costs and Law Firm at the Law and Economics of Lawyering
A Recipe for Cookies, State Regulation of Consumer Marketing Information at the American Enterprise Institute Roundtable Series
Series on Competitive Federalism
A Standard Form Approach to Same Sex Marriage
Catholic University
Conference on The Implications of Lawrence and Goodridge for Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages and for the Validity of DOMA
Accountability and Responsibility in Corporate Governance and Initial Reflections on the Law and Economics of Blogging, Canandian Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting
American Law Institute Principles of Corporate Governance, Cardozo/George Washington Law Review program, New York
Are Partners Fiduciaries, University of Illinois Conference
Conference on Uncorporation
broker-dealer regulation, American Law Institute/American Bar Association program, Washington, D.C.
Bubble Laws, Seventh Annual Houston Law Review Frankel Lecture
University of Houston Law Center
Choice of Entity for Entrepreneurs, Capital University Law School Symposium
Symposium on Entrepreneurship and the Law
Choice of Form and Network Externalities, initial lecture in the law and economics program, Trivandrum, India
Center for Development Studies
Class Action Lawyers as Lawmakers
University of Wisconsin School of
Contract and Jurisdictional Competition, Donner Conference, Alexandria, VA.
Conference on Freedom of Contract in Alexandria
Contracting for Corporate Law, Duke Global Capital Markets Center and Duke Law School workshop
Corporate Governance, F. Hodge O Neal Symposium
Washington University School of Law
Corporations and the Market for Law, UCLA Law School Corporate Colloquium
Criminalization of Corporate Law
University of Maryland Law School
Roundtable on the Criminalization of Corporate Law
Cross-Listing and Jurisdictional Competition as Keynote Address, Sweden
Lund University, School of Economics and Management
Cross-Listing and Jurisdictional Competition as Keynote Address
Cross-Listing and Regulatory Competition, Zhongsan/Illinois Conference
Cross-Listing and Regulatory Competition, Guangzhou, China
Sun yat-Sen University
conference on The Role of Law in Economic Development Implications for China and the World
Cross-Listing and Regulatory Competition, Beijing
Miles Institute of Legal and Economic Studies
conference on The Role of Law in Economic Development Implications for China and the World
Cross-Listing and Regulatory Competition, Canadian Law & Economics Association Annual Meeting
Dabit, Preemption and Choice of Law, Cato Constitution Day program
Ethical Rules, Law Firm Structure and Choice of Law, 14th annual University of Cincinnati 2001 Corporate Law Conference
Fiduciary Duty Contracts In Unincorporated Firms and Limited Liability And The Real World
Washington & Lee School of Law
the latter with Robert Hamilton
Film and Firms, Midwest Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting
Fraud on a Noisy Market, Lewis and Clark conference
conference on "Behavioral Finance: Instruction or Distraction,"
From Efficiency to Politics in Contractual Choice of Law, Midwest Law & Economics Association annual meeting
Globalization of the Legal Profession, Indiana University Conference
Imagining Wall Street, Association of American Law Schools Annual Convention
International Implications of Sarbanes-Oxley, American Law Schools Annual Meeting, Securities Regulation Section
Investiture as Mildred Van Voorhis Jones Professor
University of Illinois College of Law
Law and Economics of Blogging, Illinois Program in Law and Economics Workshop
Law v. Trust
Boston University Law School
Conference on Trusting Relationships
Lawyer Licensing and Property Rights in State Law, Business Economics and Public Policy Workshop, Bloomington
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Lawyer Licensing and State Law Efficiency, American Law & Economics Association Annual Meeting
limited liability entities, University of Colorado Law School symposium
limited liability entities, University of Cincinnati Law School symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio
Limited Liability of Professional Firms after Enron
University of Illinois College of Law
Conference on the Evaluation and Response to Risk in Law and Accounting: a Comparison of the US and EU
Limited Liability Unlimited, Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law
Widener University School of Law
Limited Partnerships Revisited, Twelfth Annual Corporate Law Symposium
Making Sense of Entity Rationalization, University of Maryland Law School/Business Lawyer Conference
Conference on Entity Rationalization
Market vs. Regulatory Responses to Corporate Fraud, Tilburg, Netherlands
Tilburg University
Conference on Regulatory Competition and Economic Integration within the European Union
Outsider Trading as an Incentive Device, Midwest Law & Economics Association Annual Meeting
Partnership or Corporation? Choosing corporate form in the information Society, Copenhagen, Denmark
Centre for Law, Economics and Financial Institutions at Copenhagen Business School
Partnership Social Responsibility, UCLA-Sloan Research Program on Business Organizations Conference
Conference on the Means and Ends of Corporations
Politics, Adaptation and Change, Asia Pacific Economic Law Forum, Christchurch, N.Z.
Program on Limited Liability Companies, Washington, D.C.
ABA Ad Hoc Committee on Limited Liability Companies
Richard Epstein s Bargaining with the State
George Mason University
Roe, Strong Managers, Weak Owners, George Mason University Law School Law and Economics Center Conference
Sizing up Sox, Auckland, NZ
Corporate Governance
State v. Federal Approaches to Regulating the Internet, Federalist Society Faculty Division Conference
The Business Judgment Rule in Good and Bad Times
University of Maryland School of Law
Conference on Fiduciary Duties in the Zone of Insolvency
The Case Against SOX, Berkeley Conference
Conference on Post-Enron Corporate Regulation
The Criminalization of Corporate Governance? Enron, Andersen & Beyond, Washington Legal Foundation Media Briefing
The Economic Structure of Corporate Law
George Mason University
The Evolution of Partnership, International Conference
Tilburg University
Conference on Close Corporation and Partnership Law Reform in Europe and the United States
The Evolution of Partnership, International Conference
Copenhagen University
Conference on Close Corporation and Partnership Law Reform in Europe and the United States
The Fable of the B.A.'s, Canadian Law & Economics Association Annual Meeting
The Illogic and Limits of Partners' Liability in Bankruptcy, Wake Forest School of Law Business Law Symposium
The Important Role of Non-Organization Law, 18th Annual Business Law Symposium
Wake Forest University
Wake Forest Law Review
The Public Face of Scholarship
Conference on Bloggership: How Blogs Are Transforming Legal Scholarship
The Rise of the Uncorporation
AALS Section on Unincorporated Business Associations
The Sarbanes-Oxley Debacle
University of Illinois Department of Accountancy
The Sarbanes-Oxley Debacle, 17th University of Illinois Symposium
Symposium on Auditing Research
The Sarbanes-Oxley Debacle
American Enterprise Institute
The Structure of the Fiduciary Relationship, Midwest Law & Economics Association annual meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana
The Uncorporation, AEI-Brookings Joint Center Judicial Education Program
American College of Business Court Judges
Wall Street and Vine
University of Missouri (St. Louis) economics department
Also guest-taught Professor Susan Feigenbaum's class on Entertainment Economics
Wall Street and Vine, Federalist Society's Environmental Law Practice Group national symposium
University of San Diego School of Law on Saturday
symposium on "Does the media and movie industry treat corporations fairly in toxic tort cases?
Wall Street and Vine and Outsider Trading as an Incentive Device
Chapman University to law
business and film programs
What's so bad about paying plaintiffs?, Maryland Conference
University of Maryland School of Law
Conference on Federalism & Corporation Law
Why Corporations?, Berkeley Business Law Journal Symposium
University of California at Berkeley
Symposium on  The Role of Law in Promoting Long-Term Value for Shareholders,
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40 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
Telephone: (212) 992-8840