(203) 432-6791Tap to Call This Lawyer
Reva Siegel
Yale University
Professional Experience
- Professor
- Yale University
- Current
- Yale Law School
- J.D.
- Honors: Israel H. Peres Prize (for student publication in Yale L.J.)
- Yale Law School
- M.Phil. | American Studies
- Yale Law School
- B.A.
- Honors: Graduated first in Humanities; Phi Beta Kappa
- Fellow
- Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
- Fellow
- Townsend Center for the Humanities, U.C. Berkeley
- Golieb Fellow in Legal History
- New York University
- Olin Fellow
- Center for Studies in Law, Economics, and Public Policy, Yale University
Professional Associations
- Legal History, Yale Public Law & Legal Theory
- Editor, SSRN, Law & Humanities
- Current
- Yale Chapter, American Constitution Societ Board, Harvard Law & Policy Review (ACS Journal)
- Chair, Faculty Bd.
- - Current
- Board, Center for Worklife Law,
- - Current
- Board, Law and History Review
- - Current
- Board, National Constitutional Center
- - Current
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