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Stephen Choi

New York University
  • Business Law, Empirical Legal Scholarship
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Business Law
Empirical Legal Scholarship
Professional Experience
New York University
Harvard Law School
Honors: magna cum laude; Fay Diploma (Awarded to the J.D. candidate in the graduating class with the highest combined GPA for three years of study at Harvard Law School), Sears Prize, Irving Oberman Memorial Award, and John M. Olin Fellowship in Law and Economics
Harvard Law School Logo
Harvard Law School
Ph.D. | Economics
Teaching Assistant, Microeconomics and Non-Resident Economics Tutor
Honors: Jacob K. Javits Fellowship in Economics and Harvard Grant in Economics.
Harvard Law School Logo
Harvard College
A.B. | Economics
Honors: magna cum laude; John Harvard Scholarship, Harvard College Scholarship and Fulbright Fellowship, (South Korea). Summa Cum Laude Senior Honors Thesis
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Professional Associations
American Law and Economics Association Executive Committee of the Business Associations Section, Association of American Law Schools
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Committee of the Securities Regulation Section, Association of American Law Schools
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American Law and Economics Review
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Journal of Law and Economics
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Journal of Legal Studies
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Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, and International Review of Law and Economics
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Council on Foreign Relations
Term Member
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Speaking Engagements
A Defense of Shareholder Favoritism, UC Berkeley Law and Economics Seminar, Berkeley, CA
Assessing the Cost of Regulatory Protections: Evidence on the Decision to Sell Securities Outside the United States, University of Michigan, Law and Economics Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI
Assessing the Cost of Regulatory Protections: Evidence on the Decision to Sell Securities Outside the United States, NYU and Columbia Law School Joint Law and Economics Seminar
What Determines the Board of Directors, CEOs and Firm-Specific Investments in Human Capital, Georgetown Law Center, Washington, D.C.
Conference on Highly-Skilled Employees
A Defense of Shareholder Favoritism, Sloan Corporate Governance Conference, Washington, D.C.
Georgetown Law Center
Assessing the Cost of Regulatory Protections: Evidence on the Decision to Sell Securities Outside the United States, UCLA Conference on Corporate Governance, Los Angeles, CA
Promoting Issuer Choice in Securities Regulation, Charlottesville,VA
University of Virginia Law School
Sokol Conference on International Securities Regulation
Assessing Regulatory Alternatives to Globalizing Securities Markets, Tel Aviv University Law School, CEGLA Institute Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel
Proxy Issue Proposals: Testing the Impact of the 1992 SEC Reforms, American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY
The Informational Effect of an Offshore Securities Offering: Evaluating the Risk to U.S. Investors, Washington University Law Quarterly Symposium, St Louis, MO
Symposium on Securities Regulation
Assessing the Cost of Regulatory Protections: Evidence on the Decision to Sell Securities Outside the United States, Harvard Law and Economics Workshop
Internalizing Outsider Trading, Harvard Faculty Workshop, Cambridge, MA
Law, Finance, and Path Dependence: Developing Strong Securities Markets, Austin, TX
University of Texas
Conference on  What We Know and Don't Know about the Impact of Legal Services on the American Economy and Polity,
Law, Finance, and Path Dependence: Developing Strong Securities Markets, International Transactions Symposium Workshop, Sacramento, CA
McGeorge School of Law
Playing Favorites with Shareholders, Harvard Law and Economics, Cambridge, MA
Selective Disclosures in Public Capital Markets, Davis, CA
UC Davis Law School
Symposium on Corporate Governance
Selective Disclosures in Public Capital Markets, Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson, Lunch Workshop, New York, NY
Assessing the Cost of Regulatory Protections: Evidence on the Decision to Sell Securities Outside the United States, Yale Faculty Workshop, New Haven, CT
Internalizing Outsider Trading, UC Berkeley Law Faculty Workshop, Berkeley, CA
Contract as Statute, American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting, Berkeley, CA
The Market Penalty for Mutual Fund Scandals, American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting, Berkeley, CA
The Law Firm and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Nashville, TN
Vanderbilt Law School
The Market Penalty for Mutual Fund Scandals, Yale Corporate Law Roundtable, New Haven, CT
The Market Penalty for Mutual Fund Scandals, NYU Law School Law and Economics Lunch Workshop, New York, NY
The Market Penalty for Mutual Fund Scandals, New York, NY
NYU Stern School of Business
The Market Penalty for Mutual Fund Scandals, New York, NY
Fordham Law School
Thoughts on the Regulation of Analysts in Canada, New York, NY
Presentation to the Task Force to Modernize Securities Legislation in Canada
Lecture on U.S. Securities Regulation, Seoul, Korea
WooYun Law Firm
The Market Penalty for Mutual Fund Scandals, Nashville, TN
Vanderbilt Law School
The Market Penalty for Mutual Fund Scandals, Murphy Conference, New York, NY
Fordham Law School
Behavioral Economics and the Regulation of Public Offerings, Portland, OR
Lewis and Clark Law School
Contract as Statute
Do the Merits Matter Less After the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act?, American Law and Economics Association Annual Meetings, New York, NY
Comment on Gande and Parsley, Sovereign Credit Ratings, Transparency, and Portfolio Flows, Nashville, TN
Vanderbilt Law School
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, Nashville, TN
Vanderbilt Law School
Do the Merits Matter Less After the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act?, NYU-U Penn Center for Law and Business Conference, New York, NY
A Defense of Shareholder Favoritism as applied to Korea, Korean Development Institute Conference, Seoul, Korea
Comment on Kyung Suh Park, Eunjung Lee, Hasung Jang, Why does managerial misconduct persist? The role of controlling shareholders in corporate governance, Korean Development Institute Conference, Seoul, Korea
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, UN-Sponsored Conference, New York, NY
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, Cambridge, MA
Conference Sponsored by the Program on the Legal Profession
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, Philadelphia, PA
Faculty Workshop University of Pennsylvania Law School
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, New York, NY
Faculty Workshop
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, Los Angeles, CA
USC Law School
Faculty Workshop
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, Durham, NC
Duke University Law School
Faculty Workshop
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, Chicago, IL
Northwestern University Law School
Faculty Workshop
CEO/CFO Certification in Korea, Korea Telecom Corporate Governance Seminar, Korea
CEO/CFO Certification in Korea, Seoul, Korea
Woo Yun Kang Jeong & Han law firm
CEO/CFO Certification in Korea, CFO Roundtable, Seoul, Korea
Choosing the Next Supreme Court Justice: An Empirical Ranking of Judicial Performance, American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds,, American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
Choosing the Next Supreme Court Justice: An Empirical Ranking of Judicial Performance, Boston University Law School Workshop, Boston, MA
Do the Merits Matter Less After the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act?, University of Michigan Law School Faculty Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI
Evidence on Securities Class Actions, 10th ILEP Conference, Miami, FL
Do the Merits Matter Less After the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act?, USC/UCLA Corporate Roundtable, Los Angeles, CA
Do the Merits Matter Less After the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act?, Stanford Law and Economics Seminar, Stanford, CA
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, Nashville, TN
Vanderbilt Law School
Comment on Bushman et al.  Insider Trading Restrictions and Analysts' Incentives to Follow Firms,, Olin Conference, Charlottesville, VA
Virginia Law School
Innovation in Boilerplate Contracts: The Case of Sovereign Bonds, Washington, D.C.
Georgetown Law School
Should Issuers Be On the Hook for Laddering?, Cincinnati, OH
University of Cincinnati Law School
Comment on Kim and Jun s  Enforcing the Corporate Governance Structure through Court: The Korean Experience,, Korea Development Institute Conference, Seoul, Korea
Comment on Song s  Ineffective Derivative Suits in Korea, Korea Development Institute Conference, Seoul, Korea
Running a Tournament of Judges, UC Berkeley Faculty Workshop, Berkeley,CA
Securities Class Actions in Korea?, Korea Development Institute Conference, Seoul, Korea
Running a Tournament of Judges, Georgetown Faculty Workshop, Washington, D.C.
Running a Tournament of Judges, Charlottesville, VA
University of Virginia Law School
Behavioral Economics and the SEC, New York, NY
Behavioral Economics and the SEC, American Law and Economics Association Annual Meetings, Toronto, Canada
How to Fix Wall Street: A Voucher Financing Proposal, American Law and Economics Association Annual Meetings, Toronto, Canada
The Role of Institutions in Developing Strong Securities Markets, Boalt Business Law Journal Symposiu, Berkeley, CA
UC Berkeley Law School
The Role of Institutions in Developing Strong Securities Markets, Honolulu, HI
East-West Center
Behavioral Economics and the SEC, Chapel Hill, N.C.
UNC-Chapel Hill
Behavioral Economics and the SEC, Washington, D.C.
Georgetown Law School
Behavioral Economics and the SEC, Washington St. Louis Law School Faculty Workshop, St. Louis, MO
How to Fix Wall Street: A Voucher Financing Proposal, AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
How to Fix Wall Street: A Voucher Financing Proposal, UC Berkeley Law and Economics Seminar, Berkeley,CA
How to Fix Wall Street: A Voucher Financing Proposal, UCLA/USC Corporate Law Conference, Los Angeles, CA
Chair and Panelist, Implications of Sarbanes Oxley Panel, Capital Summit Conference, Santa Clara, CA
Garage Technology Ventures
Implications of Enron, Berkeley,CA
Boalt Alumni Presentation
Lectures on U.S. Securities Regulations, Davis, CA
UC Davis Law School
Comparing American and Korean Legal Education Systems, Faculty Workshop, Seoul, Korea
Seoul National University Law School
Establishing a New Stock Market for Shareholder Value Oriented Firms in Korea, Korean Corporate Governance Conference, Seoul, Korea
Lecture on Global Securities Market Competition, Seoul, Korea
Seoul National University Law School
Thoughts on Business Law Research and Effective Teaching, Berkeley, CA
Boalt Hall School of Law Alumni Association
Market Lessons for Gatekeepers, American Law and Economics Association Meetings, Berkeley, CA
Empirical Evidence on Regulation S Offerings: Assessing the Cost of U.S.Regulatory Protections, Yale Law & Economics Seminar, New Haven, CT
Gatekeepers and the Internet: Rethinking the Regulation of Small Business Capital Formation, Lewis and Clark Law School Symposium, Portland, OR
Gatekeepers and the Internet: Rethinking the Regulation of Small Business Capital Formation, American Bankruptcy Judge Conference, Chicago, IL
Proxy Issue Contests: Testing the Impact of the 1992 Reforms, Cambridge, MA
National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute
Proxy Issue Contests: Testing the Impact of the 1992 Reforms, Chicago, IL
University of Chicago Alumni Presentation
Proxy Issue Contests: Testing the Impact of the 1992 Reforms, University of Chicago Faculty Workshop, Chicago, IL
Diversity in the Pool of Standard Contract Terms, Diversity in the Pool of Standard Contract Terms, Chicago, IL
Fraud in the New Issues Market, Stanford Faculty Workshop, Stanford, CA
Fraud in the New Issues Market, UC Berkeley Faculty Workshop, Berkeley, CA
Fraud in the New Issues Market, USC Faculty Workshop, Los Angeles, CA
Modeling the Incentives to Commit Securities Fraud, Caltech Law and Economics Workshop, Pasadena, CA
Diversity in the Pool of Standard Contract Terms, Harvard Law and Economics Research Workshop, Cambridge, MA
Fraud in the New Issues Market, University of Chicago Law and Economics Workshop, Chicago, IL
Fraud in the New Issues Market, Harvard Law and Economics Research Workshop, Cambridge, MA
Initial Public Offerings: Class Actions as Insurance, Harvard Law and Economics Research Workshop, Cambridge, MA
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