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Susan Rose-Ackerman
Yale University
- Gov & Administrative Law
- Comparative Political Economy
Professional Experience
- Professor
- Yale University
- Current
- Yale Law School
- Ph.D. | Economics
- Yale Law School
- M. Phil.
- Wellesley
- B.A.
- Fulbright Scholar Awards in Economics
- Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Discipline Advisory Committee
Professional Associations
- Project on Honesty and Trust: Theory and Experience in the Light of the Post-Socialist Experience, Collegium Budapest, fall 2002. http://www.colbud.hu/honesty-trust
- Fellow and co-organizer
- Current
- Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Palo Alto, CA
- Fellow
- Current
- training institute for public officials, Tokyo,Asian Development Bank Institute
- participant
- Current
- World Bank
- Visiting Research Fellow
- Current
- University of Rome
- Visiting Professor
- Current
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