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Michael Simkovic
USC Gould School of Law
- Bankruptcy
- Tax Law
- Credit Markets
- Financial InsJtuJons
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- New York
- New York State Office of Court Administration
- 2nd Circuit
- U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York
- English: Spoken, Written
- German: Spoken
- Spanish: Spoken
Professional Experience
- Professor of Law
- USC Gould School of Law
- - Current
- Associate Professor of Law
- Seton Hall Law School
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- Visiting Research Scholar
- Fordham Law School
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- Associate
- Davis Polk & Wardwell
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- Engagement Manager
- McKinsey & Company
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- Harvard Law School
- Olin Fellow in Law & Economics
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- Summer Associate
- Davis Polk and Wardwell
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- Summer Legal Intern
- Office of the Attorney General of the State of New York
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- Harvard Law School
- J.D. (2007) | Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law
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- Activities: President, CGL; Symposium Editor, Harvard Negotiation Law Review
- Duke University
- B.A. (2003) | Psychology, Economics, English
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- Honors: summa cum laude
- Activities: Phi Beta Kappa; President, Duke Psychology Union; President, Psi Chi; Co-Founder, Inside Joke sketch comedy troupe.
Professional Associations
- American Law and Economics Association
- Current
- American Law InsJtute Members Consultative Groups
- Current
- Society for Empirical LegalStudies
- Current
- AssociaJon of American Law Schools SecJon on Financial InsJtuJons
- Current
- European AssociaJon for Law and Economics; Canadian Law and EconomicsAssociaJon
- Current
Websites & Blogs
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